Booboop Narrkwarren Nagarra-jarra-noun


Henry Russell

Viet Truong

Lloyd McCathie

Kelsey Jovanou

Claire Humphreys

Maya Le Bransky

Kelley Mackay

Leonard Meister

Margot Watson

Tina Leal

The Child and Family Mental Health Assessment and Planning Service provides independent living units able to accommodate up to 12 people, including children and families, also comprising of consulting and staff spaces, landscaped outdoor areas and carparking. The centre will provide safe, flexible and responsive mental health services to children (0-12 years) experiencing a mental illness and significant functional impairment. It will be in operation and staffed 24-7, offering short stay residential accommodation.


The service will deliver intensive child and family assessments and care planning, including therapeutic activity aimed at ensuring local community family interventions are effective.

The centre – a new model of care, explores ways to examine a functional brief and project objectives, and align them with services, to: — provide a variety and hierarchy of spaces which support the individual child and family; — clearly differentiate between various zones; entry, staff and support, private residential and shared spaces; address operational policies, guidelines and procedures related to the endorsed model of care; — be residential in nature, both in appearance and internal spatial relationships; — integrate the interior with gardens and landscape for restorative benefits and user wellbeing; and — provide visual and acoustic privacy from adjoining neighbours; support passive ESD initiatives for high quality amenity.

Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan



Oblique Axonometric

Oblique Axonometric