Balfe Park Lane multi-residential housing in Brunswick East

“The design of Balfe Park Lane as an ensemble of buildings of varying shape and orientation rather than a large, single building means that there is a stronger sense of neighbourhood and an individual address within a broader social context.” — Kerstin Thompson comments on KTA’s Balfe Park Lane multi-residential housing project in Brunswick East.

Read more on Urban.com and ArchitectureAU.

New space for private club in Melbourne

Atop its modernist base, this new garden room for a private club in Melbourne borrows the established landscape across the lane.

Spotted gum glue-lam beams extend the interior outside and add a further tectonic layer to the original building by Ellison Harvie.

Photo by Derek Swalwell.

MTalks Parlour In Conversation: Carme Pinós & Kerstin Thompson

Wed 10 Oct 6.15pm—Principal Kerstin Thompson talks to MPavilion 2018 architect Carme Pinós of Barcelona’s Estudio Carme Pinós. The conversation will traverse modes and models of practice, connections between practice and the academy, and the impacts of architecture and urban design on equity in the public realm. The talk is hosted by Parlour at MPavilion.

More details via MPavilion.

Image credit: MPavilion.

Government funding for KTA’s gallery expansion to Arthur Boyd’s Riversdale property

We’re pleased to announce the first stage of KTA’s Masterplan for the expansion of Bundanon Trust’s Riversdale site has received $8.592M in funding from the NSW state government towards the Arthur Boyd Gallery & Collection Store.


This subterranean space for the gallery & store will be the first of a two-part design, the other being a 140-metre-long bridge-like structure to house a creative learning centre, visitor hub & 32-room accommodation facility.

Read more about the project at Architecture AU , ABC & Sydney Morning Herald.

SCCI Architecture Festival

The Sherman Centre for Contemporary Ideas (SCCI) in Sydney has announced the line-up of architects, artists and thinkers that will present at its inaugural, 10-day festival of architecture-related workshops, talks and film screenings in October.


KTA Principal Kerstin Thompson is speaking as part of the festival lecture series, Words that made me: Architects on reading.

Kerstin, alongside other leading architects, Peter Tonkin (Tonkin Zulaikha Greer) & Peter Lonergan (Cracknell & Lonergan Architects) will discuss the books and writings that have formed them as people, and shaped their sensibility as thinkers and practitioners of design, from textbooks to literature and digital sources. Their conversation will form self-portraits in words and a reading guide for the audience.

The festival runs 12-21 October 2018. Bookings are available here.

2018 AIA Victorian Architecture Awards – Park House

Park House received a Residential New Architecture Award from the AIA Victorian Chapter. “The design manages a significant brief with great acumen and rewards the inhabitants with moments of heightened spatial experience and a sense of intimacy” – Residential New Architecture Awards Jury 2018

Thank you to our clients and legendary ATMA Builders.

Image by Trevor Mein.

2018 AIA Victorian Architecture Awards – The Stables VCA Faculty of Fine Arts & Music The University of Melbourne

The Stables VCA Faculty of Fine Arts & Music The University of Melbourne received a Heritage & Educational Architecture Award from the AIA Victorian Chapter, as well as a commendation for Interior Architecture.


“KTA’s interventions – sophisticated and executed with quiet confidence – present a thoughtful and balanced approach to heritage. Treating old and new with equality, the VCA former Mounted police Stables both preserves important Melbourne heritage, and embeds contemporary construction within the historic fabric of the future.” – Heritage Architecture Jury 2018

Thank you to VCA The University of Melbourne and Kane Constructions for being outstanding collaborators.

Image by John Gollings.

Shortlist – AIA 2018 Victorian Architecture Awards

Our Park House project (pictured) has been shortlisted in the AIA 2018 Victorian Architecture Awards for Residential (New) Architecture, along with The Stables, VCA Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, The University of Melbourne for Heritage, Educational and Interior Architecture. Looking forward to attending the awards presentations later this month.

Image by Trevor Mein.

Horse & Art together at last

Bob and Unity briefly returned to their former home last week (now home to the VCA’s School of Art). Their Riders gave The Stables rework a thumbs up appreciating that the entwined history of horse and police on the Southbank site hasn’t been lost in the transformation by KTA

Principal Kerstin Thompson provides a guided tour of The Stables via The University of Melbourne.

What's next for the Melbourne Arts Precinct?

Debbie Cuthbertson talks about the Melbourne Arts Precinct, its history and potential for future development. KTA provides some food for thought.

Read the full piece here, recently published in The Age.

Image, Testing Grounds via The Age.

Sunda_ opens in Punch Lane

Sunda_ in Punch Lane now open! Definitely worth sampling the amazing flavours & textures of Khanh Nguyen’s South East Asian cuisine. Lovely write up in Broadsheet.

Thanks to our excellent collaborators Figureground Architecture and Halim Group.

Image by Jake Roden c/o Broadsheet.

'Meet the women architects who are transforming the shape of our cities'

Published in SMH over the weekend – ‘Meet the women architects who are transforming the shape of our cities’. Comment from local architects including Kerstin Thompson (KTA Principal), Clare Cousins & Hannah Tribe.


Leading overseas architects also featured – Stephanie Macdonald of London-based 6a Architects, Carme Pinos from Estudio Carme Pinos in Barcelona and Sofia von Ellrichshausen of Chilean practice Pezo Von Ellrichshausen.

Image: KTA’s Country Villa House, photo by Derek Swalwell.


Another successful season of Archisoccer is through… See you on the field again soon.

VCA School of Art Former Mounted Police Stables, now complete!

The Former Mounted Police Stables and Former Riding School have been transformed by KTA to become VCA’s School of Art.


The adaptive re-use of this major piece of Melbourne’s civic infrastructure demonstrates how the combination of radical interventions and careful conservation can yield new life from past forms to play a vital role in the future of our city.

We’ve enjoyed working with The University of Melbourne and are very proud of what the project has achieved. The faculty is now moving into the building and studio spaces ahead of the official project launch, happening soon!

Photo by Trevor Mein.

Kerstin Thompson profile published in Domain

KTA principal Kerstin Thompson talks about Melbourne design, her career in architecture and KTA’s practice, “I believe our best work is ahead of us”.


Read the full article recently published in Domain here.

Photographs of Kerstin taken at KTA’s VCA Former Mounted Police Stables for The University of Melbourne.

Good Design + Heritage issue 07

KTA’s Studio 9 Wertheim Factory conversion features in the latest edition of OVGA’s Good Design + Heritage.


The publication is the seventh in a series that is helping raise awareness of good design and promote discussion about its benefits and value. The publication has been developed together with Heritage Victoria and the Heritage Council of Victoria.

Read the full feature here.

Photography of the building by Derek Swalwell.

Suburban civic – Broadmeadows Town Hall

A beauty from the superb suite of photos by John Gollings commissioned by Hume City Council to record Broadmeadows Town Hall as it is today.

Construction has now started towards the revitalisation of this suburban civic gem – a key piece in Hume Central due for completion early 2019.